Sunday 18 February 2018

Episode 49: Think on your Feet III

Join Frank for the third Think on your Feet, in which Sefina Rousseau continues to carry out tasks set her by Dr Henry Armitage. Will she find the dread Necronomicon? Just what are these delays on the train line to Dunwich??

In the Think on your Feet series, I endeavour not to edit much at all. Sometimes I cut a bit of shuffling sounds or abbreviate some of my longer pauses (a boy's got to think!), and I normally aim to pare out the bus sounds (buses? in the middle of a museum??) but otherwise, it's uncut, unaltered and meant to feel like you're with me at the table. There are mistakes and misplays a-plenty, but hopefully some successes too. 

Here's the deck before Miskatonic Museum:  
Here's the deck before Essex County Express:

Scenario 3 begins at 2 minutes. Scenario 4 begins at almost exactly 41 minutes. Thank you to everyone who wrote in saying the first live play was enjoyable, or encouraging me to do more. It's been very touching and I'm super excited to share these further episodes with you!

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